
Lodging facilities of our University are composed of 8 blocks with 191 flats located on the campus to let our members live in a peaceful, safe and clean environment. Our faculty members are offered residential units of different sizes according to their entitlement and status. All the residential units are furnished. Standard furniture includes living-room suite, dining-room suite, bedroom suite in addition to white goods (fridge, oven, dishwasher, washing machine with dryer and TV set).

Applications for lodging must be made to HR, which evaluates incoming requests, determines the members entitled to lodging, finalizes allocation and informs Accommodation Services unit. After this stage, Accommodation Services Unit gets the related members to read and sign Lodging Entrance Report, and Lodging Usage Rules. List of Fixed Assets is added to the Lodging Entrance Report and the keys to the place are delivered to the related members after the residential units are cleaned.

If a member living in a lodging changes the keys to the house, a duplicate key must be submitted to the Accommodation Services Unit. Cleaning services are provided by a chief and four cleaning officers provided by a sub-contracting company responsible to the Accommodation Services Unit. On weekdays from 09.00 to 10:00 a.m., garbage that was sorted and put into garbage bags placed in front of the doors are collected and shared spaces are cleaned every day. During weekends, garbage is collected only on Saturday, from 09:00 to 10:00.

The Accommodation Services Unit notifies the Financial Affairs Unit about the monthly overhead charges related to electricity, telephone, cleaning, fuel, water etc. determined by the University and ensures that overhead expenses are deducted from residents’ salaries. 

Residents can open ticket on https://suticket.sabanciuniv.edu for all their needs.

Before leaving the residential units, our members must inform the Accommodation Services Unit before submitting the keys and the related officer will check the residential unit. If any, repair expenses are determined, and deducted from the deposit collected at the beginning of stay. The remaining deposit is notified by the Accommodation Services Unit to the Financial Affairs Unit and paid back to the related member. If repair cost exceeds the deposit amount, the member must pay the extra part on top of the deposit. After this process, the member and the Accommodation Services officer sign the exit report and the keys are submitted to the Accommodation Services officer.